PRN's Newest Team Members Discuss Starting a Robotics Career in Pittsburgh

June 30, 2022

PRN's Newest Team Members Discuss Starting a Robotics Career in Pittsburgh

June 30, 2022
Amy and Lexi|
Amy Caligiuri (left) and Lexi Miller (right) took very different paths but both found a home in the Pittsburgh robotics ecosystem.

Pittsburgh is well positioned to continue to be a world leader in robotics, autonomy, and computer science for decades to come, but to achieve this goal we’re going to have to both retain home-grown talent and encourage skilled professionals from other areas to move here. If the recent additions of Amy Caligiuri and Lexi Miller to the Pittsburgh Robotics Network’s (PRN) team are any indication, our region is having success!

Amy and Lexi will be responsible for planning and facilitating our Pittsburgh Robotics Network events, and while they are now doing similar work within the same field their paths to this point are quite different. Amy is a Pittsburgh native, taking the advantage of the opportunities this region provides to build a life in the city in which she was born and raised. Lexi, on the other hand, is new to Pittsburgh and decided to make her home here after failing to find what she was looking for during previous stints in Austin, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.

Lexi is one of a number of professionals moving to Pittsburgh from well known tech hubs including Boston, Seattle, Austin and the Bay Area. There are many drivers behind this trend, but the primary reason is Pittsburgh is becoming the best place to start and develop a career in robotics and AI.

What Lexi found in Pittsburgh was what she felt the many other cities lack - a sense of community. “I love that Pittsburgh is big enough to constantly be exploring new things, but small enough to feel connected. The potential in this city is really exciting for me.”

It is this sense of community and opportunity that has kept Amy around, as well. “Pittsburgh has been and will always be my home. This area has a great family feel, and it offers amazing cultural events, new and interesting restaurants, beautiful parks, world-class museums, highly ranked schools, and so much more.”

Both Amy and Lexi are new to the world of robotics, but they are drawn to it because they see its potential to positively impact the world. Amy has witnessed some of this impact firsthand, having watched Pittsburgh transition from the “Steel City” to technological powerhouse at the forefront of healthcare, automation, artificial intelligence, and more.

Meanwhile, Lexi is discovering that she has a lot in common with those in the Pittsburgh robotics ecosystem. “I love that this community is constantly expanding and looking toward the future, laying the groundwork for more opportunities in this region and beyond. It’s a bunch of passionate people with big goals, and I found that our values really align in this respect.”

It is this shared passion for facilitating connections, engagement, and growth that excites Amy and Lexi about events. “I love bringing people together and building community. Pittsburgh has a number of emerging companies and new startups, and I’m particularly excited to help them get more involved, grow their networks, and find their place,” says Lexi.

Together they will spearhead the planning of the Pittsburgh Robotics Network’s virtual and in-person events, including our Speaker Series, Industry Insights, and Talent Spotlight gatherings. They’ll also facilitate our larger events, such as the Pittsburgh Robotics Discovery Day and our global robotics leadership conference planned for 2023. In addition, we look forward to providing a variety of casual get-togethers, including member happy hours, game nights, social events and more.

“Many people don't realize what goes into a well-organized and successful event. I enjoy seeing these original thoughts and ideas come to life,” Amy adds.

You can often find Lexi exploring the restaurants and shops around her new Lawrenceville home, while Amy enjoys attending her sons’ basketball games and entertaining friends over food and cocktails. They are both excited to make new connections in the Pittsburgh robotics community, so feel free to come introduce yourself to them at our next event!

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