PRN events attract the regions best roboticists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and in this case Carnegie Mellon University students.

Our Events

The Pittsburgh Robotics Network provides an opportunity for industry leaders to come together to share experience and insights with each other. Often hosted by robotics, autonomy, and AI companies in our region, these events strengthen the community and are unique opportunities to do business.

Our events are incredible opportunities for our network to engage with peers and stakeholders in the autonomous solutions ecosystem. They are designed to spotlight and showcase the most-up-to-date innovations, best practices, and topical issues in the industry that drive the growth and promotion of Pittsburgh’s robotics companies and research institutions.

Pittsburgh Robotics Network events draw hundreds of people looking to grow the robotics, autonomy, and AI ecosystem.

Pittsburgh is one of the few cities where robotics leaders can meet face-to-face to influence the direction of the industry. Our programs and events are thoughtful and engaging, designed to provide our members, partners and sponsors with opportunities for promotion and visibility, increased connections and relationships, and impactful industry influence.

Monthly Speaker Series

Our speaker series brings together the industry thought-leaders to share their insights and innovations with the community.

Virtual Events

Our webinar series features Pittsburgh-based robotics, autonomy, and AI business leaders alongside their global industry peers, sharing their experiences, commercialization strategies, customer success approaches, state of the industry, and lessons learned.

Social Nights

We measured it, roboticist and engineers like to have fun too. Our casual social events provide our community with opportunities to socialize outside of the lab and get to know each other.

Campus Recruiting

Our annual robotics recruiting events connect the best and brightest talent to our local network companies.

If you are interested in sponsoring our programs or would like to partner, please complete this sponsorship form.

Team investigating mining underground

Meet Mine Vision Systems, their technology creates precise 3D images for underground production. FaceCapture is a lightweight and mobile system combining image, spatial and location data in real-time.

Get Engaged

The Pittsburgh Robotics Network is your doorway into our world-leading robotics, autonomy & AI community. Learn how you can become a member, partner with us, get involved with one of our events, and more.