June Headlines Round-up

June Headlines Round-up

Pittsburgh Headlines Though the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, Pennsylvania has seen early success and was one of three states recognized by the CDC for “COVID-19 Reduction Success” with a downward trajectory of COVID-19 cases for more than 42 days. Allegheny...
June Headlines Round-up

May Headlines Round-Up

 Pittsburgh Headlines LinkedIn has named Pittsburgh a top city for launching your career! The report was based on median monthly rent and median starter job salaries. Zoom has selected Pittsburgh to house a new R&D center, citing the city’s strong talent pool....
June Headlines Round-up

Remote Resources for STEM Education

We’re facing the new reality of remote education that looks to last into the summer. With this transition comes a number of new challenges, but also new opportunities. Taking advantage of these remote resources, which require only an Internet connection, could:...