Working Remotely - a few resources for effective remote work

March 15, 2020

Working Remotely - a few resources for effective remote work

March 15, 2020

As we continue to learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of companies are instructing their employees to work remotely. As organizations working at the forefront of new and emerging technologies, we know that there are endless resources at hand to make remote work as efficient and non-disruptive as possible. Beyond the pandemic, remote work is becoming more popular with 37% of employees stating their willingness to change jobs for one that offers remote work as a benefit. Below, we’ve outlined a few articles and knowledge-sharing resources that may help making the transition to remote work a little easier.

Leadership & Organization

A guide to running great virtual meetings from the Harvard Business Review

COVID-19 has my teams working remotely: a guide for leaders

Team working from home? Here’s how to lead them - from Forbes

Knowledge-Sharing Resources

Robotics Industry Association (RIA) Webinar Series. Upcoming topics include: IIoT & Big Data in Machine Vision, Integrating Motion Control and Robot Safety, Robotic Grinding & Finishing – New Technologies, Resources & Coaching, and more.

The Robot Report webinar series. The upcoming March 17 webinar topic will center on leveraging AI to maximize collaborative robot efficiency.

Assembly Magazine on-demand webinar series. Webinar topics include: Collaborative Robot Applications in the Automotive Industry, New Year & New Technology: Starting 2020 with Collaborative Robots, and more.

IndustryWeek webinars. This webinar series centers on best business practices with topics like Running Successful Augmented Reality Programs.

Tips for Employees Working from Home for the First Time

How to work from home without losing your sanity from CNN business

How to work from home if you’ve never done it before from the New York Times

Five essential working from home tips from Forbes

An increasing number of tech firms are encouraging their employees to work from home out of concern for community health (Apple, Google, Amazon, just to name a few). It’s important to remember during this period that you’ve built a dedicated and talented team who are invested in your company’s success. The transition to to remote work can be difficult as you navigate needed policies and online meetings, but with patience and good leadership, you can minimize organizational disruption.

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